Thursday, December 14, 2006

It's official - three pounds!

If McKinzie had full control of her nervous system she would hold up the cutest three fingers you've ever seen because she weighs 3 lbs exactly! We've also started mom and McK feeding time, so that is our next goal to reach!


Janis Watson said...

Was so excited to see all the pictures and hear that everyone is doing well. McKinzie is beautiful!! and mama is looking great for just having a baby too!! You're in our prayers. Congratulations to all of you. What a blessing.

Dave & Luba said...

MCK - God knew you before, during and after you were in your Mommy's womb. He's got a plan for your life. Hang in there! We are excited to see your progress.

Beth - You don't know us. Andy is a good friend of our kids (Brian & Tasha). Seeing Andy hold MCK reminds us of his gently caring character that was shown when Brian was very sick in Academy. I remember Andy carrying Brian out to my car to take him to the hospital. You are truly blessed with a Godly man, especially during this time.

Andy - Congratulations on your bundle from God. We know you are a wonderful husband, father and great support to Beth. They are both beautiful!

Love, Dave & Luba

Stacee said...

How exciting to see the progress! 3 Pounds! That has got to be the neatest thing to see her come sooooo far when you thought the scariest moment possible! But HE is in charge and HE will carry you through! What a Miracle!

Girl, Gotta tell ya! You look amazing also!

You are all in my prayers daily! love to each and every one of you! And many prayers and blessings to those in the medical staff that take care of her. Please let them know that their is some crazy chic in Toledo that does keep the medical team in her prayers as well! They play a crucial role in this miracle! I believe that it is our GOD who gives them the direction and knowledge to help her and restore her back to health! WOW! I can't WAIT to meet this little whipper snapper in person some day!!

Love to you!
