Tuesday, December 12, 2006

All swaddled up

McKinzie is now maintaining her own body temp, so she gets to be swaddled! She even wears little shirts. This was one of our goals to reach, so one down and two to go! She was so alert and with big eyes as I was holding her today. She also had a visit from her uncle Jake! So it was a great day!

1 comment:

Rick and Cyndi said...

Another miricle... among many!

There is no greater hope that a Christian parent has for their child than to love the Lord and grow to reflect His character. It is our heart’s desire and why we spend so much time guiding our children by teaching values, building character, and carefully setting boundaries.

We’ve discovered that one of the most important things occurs in the still of the night… while all is quiet and our precious little one drifts off to sleep. That is… pray and pour our hearts out to God on our child's behalf. Because your Christmas gift arrived early, you have already established this 'habit'. We challenge and encourage you to continue this practice through each day and year of McKinzie's life...

We're sending you our love and a huge hug!

Rick and Cyndi