Monday, May 28, 2007

Busy Body

We're making way for McKinzie! She can now roll from her back to her tummy and will start to pull herself to whatever has caught her eye. She's eating more, playing longer and sleeping harder - and laughing with us, it's the best!

Thursday, May 17, 2007

Thanks Grandma Whiteman!

McKinzie had a great time visiting with Grandma this week! We were able to take walks in the park, do some site seeing, a little outlet mall shopping - it was so fun to have Grandma here!

Grandma also helped with all of McK's doctor appointments and cared for McKinzie as she was sore and feverish after immunization shots. Thank you!!

We received positive news from her pediatritian as well as the NICU developmental team. McK is on track for her 3 month adjusted age and hitting some milestones ahead of schedule. We're encouraged by her continued good health and the end of RSV season, so we're hoping to venture out a little more this summer! She is now 23 inches long, 12 pounds and starting to sleep through the night!