McKinzie now weighs 8 pounds! We have been so blessed by her incredible progress. McK no longer needs oxygen or an apnea monitor - that means we can dance around the living room and go for walks around the block - free from wires and tanks! The next few weeks we will be working with developmental specialists to assess Mck's progress and help us look for the milestones she'll be reaching at her "adjusted age". Thanks again for all the prayers, support and encouragement!!
McKinzie's "due date" has arrived so she is now officially at term! She is even fitting into her newborn size clothes, leaving behind the preemie stage! We've always been asked who she favors, and now that she's at term we'd love to see what you all think!
McKinzie is eating, sleeping and growing! Her oxygen is now needed only at bottle time. She also had her last eye exam this week! We are overjoyed that her eye development is on schedule and we can d/c the routine exams. Thanks again for your continued prayers and support!